Teen Activist

Supporting CounterAct Tobacco for a Bigger Cause

June 27, 2024

Hello, I'm Deiondra Howard. I am a Senior at Coalgate High School. I have been in YAHL for two years! This past year, I did a presentation for the 5th & 6th graders at my school about CounterAct Tobacco. 

CounterAct Tobacco is one of two YAHL campaigns. CounterAct Tobacco educates people on the dangers of vaping, especially how dangerous it is for the youth. We're also working towards putting policies in place that will make it illegal for people to sell vapes without a license. 

My presentation with the fifth and sixth grade took place at my school, but the majority of the CounterAct Tobacco events take place anywhere in the community. I was able to spread awareness about the dangers of vaping and how the CounterAct Tobacco campaign works to protect youth from those dangers. You, too, can help with this campaign! By supporting CounterAct Tobacco, you are helping us create a healthier Oklahoma. You are helping us protect and educate our youth.

By: Deiondra Howard, Coalgate High School

Supported by YAHL, a program of TSET.
Funded in whole or in part by the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET)

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